Long, long ago, before the Romans came into the land and when the fairies ruled in the forest, there was a maiden who lived under an oaktree. When she was a baby they called her Bundlekin. She had four brothers, who loved their younger sister very dearly and did everything they could to make her happy. Her fat father was a famous hunter. When he roamed the woods, no bear, wolf, aurochs, roebuck, deer, or big animal of any kind, could escape from his arrows, his spear, or hispit-trap. He taught his sons to be skilful in the chase, but also to bekind to the dumb creatures when captured. Especially when the motherbeast was killed, the boys were always told to care for the cubs, whelps and kittens. As for the smaller animals, foxes, hares, weasels, rabbit sand ermine, these were so numerous, that the father left the business ofhunting them to the lads, who had great sport.The house under the oak tree was always well provided with meat andfurs. The four brothers brought the little animals, which they took inthe woods, to make presents to their sister. So there was always aplenty of pets, bear and wolf cubs, wildcats' kittens and baby aurochsfor the girl to play with. Every day, while the animals were so young asto be fed on milk, she enjoyed frolicking with the four-footed babies.When they grew bigger, she romped and sported with them, as if she andthey were equal members of the same family. The older brother watchedcarefully, so that the little brutes, as they increased in size, shouldnot bite or claw his sister, for he knew the fierce nature that was inwild creatures. Yet the maiden had wonderful power over these beasts ofthe forest, whether little or big. She was not very much afraid of themand often made them run, by looking at them hard in the eye.While the girl made a pet of the animals, her parents made a pet of her.The mother prepared the skins of the wolves and bears, until these werevery soft, keeping the fur on, to make rugs for the floor, and wintercoats for her children. The hides of the aurochs sufficed for rougheruse, but from what had once been the clothes of the fawn, the weasel,the rabbit, and the ermine, garments were made that were smooth enoughto suit a baby's tender flesh. The forest folk wrapped their infants inswaddling hands made of these dressed pelts. After feeding the darling,a mother hung her baby up, warmly covered, to a tree branch. The cradle,which was a furry bag, was made of the same material and swung in thewind. Bundlekin usually fell asleep right after she had had her breakfast.When she woke up crowing, the squirrels were playing all around her. Sheeven learned to watch the spiders, spinning their houses of silk,without being afraid. When Bundlekin grew up, she always called thiscurious creature, that could make silk, Spin Head. She jokingly calledit her lover, in remembrance of baby days.It was funny to see how deft the mother was with her needles, fashionedfrom bone, and her rough thread, which was made of the intestines of thedeer. From her own childhood in the woods, Bundlekin's mother had beenused to this kind of dressmaking. Now, when her daughter had grown, frombabyhood and through her teens, to be a lovely maiden, fair of face andstrong of limb, her sweet, unselfish parent was equal to new tasks. Tothe soft leather coats, made from the skins of fawns, martens, andweasels, she added trimmings of snow white ermine. Caps and mittens,cloaks for the body, and coverings for the feet, were fashioned to fitneatly. Fringes, here and there, were put on them, until her girl lookedlike a king's daughter. In summer, the skins of birds and their feathersclothed her lightly, and with many and rich colors, while the forestflowers decked her hair.In winter, in her white forest robes, the maiden, except for her rosyface and sparkling eyes, seemed as if she might have been born of thesnow, or was a daughter of the northern ice god at Ulrum. And becauseshe was so lovely, her parents changed her baby name and called herDri'-fa, which means Snow White. Yet, though no other girl in Gelderland equalled, and none, not even theprincesses, excelled Snow White in beauty of face, form, or raiment, themaiden was not happy, even though many lovers came to her and offered tomarry her. Some, as proof of their skill as hunters, brought the finestfurs the forest furnished. Others showed their strength or fleetness offoot. Some bargained with the kabouters, or fairies of the mines, tobring them shining ore or precious gems which they offered to SnowWhite. Others, again, went afar to get strange wonders, amber andambergris, from the seashores of the far north to please her. One finefellow, who had been in the south and was proud of his travels, told herof what he had seen in the great cities, and offered her a necklace ofpearls.But all was in vain. Every lover went away sorrowful, for Snow Whitewearied of them and sent each one home, disappointed.Last of all, among the lovers came a strange looking one, named SpinHead, resembling a spider, promising a secret worth more than furs,gold, gems, or necklace; but the mother, seeing the ugly creature, droveit off with hard words. So the months and years passed, until her father feared he would notlive to see his daughter a wife.But one day, when all in the household were absent, the leaves of theoak tree rustled loudly. There was no wind, and Snow White, surprised,strained her ears to find out what this might mean. Soon she could makeout these words:"When the spider, that you called Spin Head, comes to make love to you,listen to him. He is the wisest being in all the forest. He knows thefuture. He will tell you a secret. I shall pass away, but what heteaches you shall live."Then the leaves of the oak ceased to rustle and all was quiet and stillagain.While wondering what this message might mean, down came the real spidershe had named Spin Head. He lowered himself from a tree branch, highabove on a silken thread. The creature sat down on the log beside themaiden; but she was not in the least startled and did not scream nor runaway. Indeed, she spoke to the spider as an old friend:"Well, playmate of my babyhood, what have you to tell me?""I came to offer you my love. You need not marry me yet, but if you willlet me spin a web in your room, I shall live there, and, by and by,reward you. Let me be in your sight always, and you will not be sorryfor it."The maiden had no sooner agreed than a terrible tempest uprooted the oakand levelled the trees of the forest. In a moment more, a new and verybeautiful house rose up out of the ground. It was as noble to look at asa palace. Near by was a garden, and one day when she walked in it, outof it sprang a blue flower, almost under her feet."Choose the best room for your own self," said Spin Head, "and then showme my corner. After a hundred days, if you treat me kindly, I shallreveal the secret of that blue flower."Dri'-fa, the maiden, chose the sunniest room, and gave Spin Head thebest corner, near the window and close to the ceiling. At once he beganto weave a shining web for his own house. She wondered at such finework, which no human weaver could excel, and why she was not able tospin silk out of her head, nor even with her fingers, like her strangelover. But the oak had promised that Spin Head would reveal a secret,and she was curious to know what it was. Like all girls, she was in ahurry to have the secret. To ease her impatience, Dri'-fa looked on,while Spin Head was thus busy at making his dwelling place, with shiningthreads which he spun out, never ceasing. She was so intent uponwatching him that night came down before she noticed that her room wasnot furnished. There was not even a bed to sleep on.Spin Head looked at her closely and then spoke with a deep voice, like aman's:"Ah, I know, you want a bed, and pretty things for your room."In another moment, soft furs lined the floor, and soon all that Dri'-fahad possessed in the forest for comfort she had now, and more. Lost inwonder as she was, in a few minutes she was fast asleep.She dreamed she wore a dress of some strange, new, white fabric, such asher people had never seen before. Instead of being close in texture,like the skin of an animal, it was as open work, full of thousands oflittle holes, yet strongly held together. It was light and gauzy, like asilvery spider's web on the summer grass before sunrise, when pearlywith dewdrops.The hundred days were passing swiftly by, and Spin Head and Snow White had become fast friends. Each lived in a different world--a world withina world. She was waiting for the secret he would tell her. She bravelyresolved not to be impatient, but let Spin Head speak first.One day, when autumn had come and she was lonely, she sauntered out intothe garden. The chill winds were blowing and the leaves falling, tillthey covered the ground like a yellow carpet. One fell into her hand, asif it bore words of friendly greeting. Yet, though she waited, not oneof the millions of them brought a message to her! Never a word had sheever heard from her parents and brothers! The blue flower had long agofallen away and there was nothing in its place but a hard, rough, blackstalk. Then she said to herself:"Is there anything in this ugly stick? How will Spin Head reveal hissecret?" Never had she been so cast down.Again the tempest howled. All the winds of heaven seemed to have brokenloose. Many a sturdy oak lay prostrate. The leaves darkened the air, sothat Snow White could see nothing. Then there was a great calm. The maidcleared her sight, and lo! there, beside her, stood a youth, morebeautiful than any of her brothers, or her lovers, or any man she hadever seen. He was dressed in fine white clothing, excelling in itstexture any skin of fawn, or animal of the forest. Instead of beingleather, however soft, it seemed woven of a multitude of threads. In hishand he held the black stalk of what had been the blue flower."I am Spin Head," he said. "The hundred days are over. The spell isbroken and my deliverance from enchantment has come. I bring to you, asmy gift, this ugly stalk, on which the blue flower bloomed."Between surprise at the change of Spin Head from a spider to a handsomeyouth, and disappointment at such a present offered her, Snow White wasdumb. She could hardly draw her breath. Was that all?"Break it open," said Spin Head.Splitting the stalk from end to end, the maiden was surprised to findinside many long silky fibres, almost as fine as the strands in aspider's web. She pulled them out and her eyes danced with joy."Plant the seed and let the blue flowers blossom by the million," saidthe youth. "Then gather the stalks and, from the fibres, weave themtogether and make this. The black rod is a sceptre of wealth."Then, separating the delicate strands one by one, Spin Head wove themtogether. The result was a rich robe, of a snow white fabric, never seenin the forest. It was linen.Snow White clapped her hands with joy."'Tis for your wedding dress, if you will marry me," said Spin Head.Snow White's cheeks blushed red, but she looked at him and her eyes said"yes.""Wait," said Spin Head. "I'll make you a bridal veil."Once more his fingers wrought wonders. He produced yards of a gauzy,open work stuff. He made it float in the air first. Then he threw itover her head. It trailed down her back and covered her rosy face. Itwas lace.Happily married, they left the forest and travelled into the land wherethe blue flax flowers made a new sky on the earth. Soon on the map menread the names of cities unknown before. At a time when Europe had nosuch masses of happy people, joyous in their toil, Courtrai, Tournay,Ypres, Ghent, and Bruges told what the blue flower of the flax had donefor the country. More than gold, gems, or the wealth of forest or mine,was the gift of Spin Head to Snow White, for the making of Belgic Land.
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